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Tucson Treasures

One of my favorite things to do every year is hit up the gem show in Tucson, the main show they have in Feb was cancelled but there was a smaller version last week that I went to.  As well as finding beautiful stones to work with I am forever inspired by the incredible bounty mother nature provides.


These stunning stones are all snapped up by the museums, they look like something dropped into the earth by aliens.

The Dinosaur bones are breathtaking and always a highlight, the dealer sources them cleans them up and then reassembles them in steel frames to hold them all together.  They are breathtaking and a real highlight to my trip every year.

The real reason I go is to find the stones that speak to me for new jewels, I really do run across rooms when something catches my eye.  These are the gems I brought back with me and I can't wait to start creating with them.

I found a whole slew of fabulous new beads to make bracelets and necklaces with.

On the left is Prehnite and the right is Aquamarine.  The extra sparkle comes from Titanium coating.

On the left is Aragonite and the right is  Natural Moss Aqua

Natural Moss Emerald

Natural Butterscotch Amber, all one of a kind beads.

I also found these amazing Sonoran Turquoise pieces, I love the combination of the blue and green together.  So dreamy, it has a rich warm organic feel.  I cant wait to make some gorgeous rings and pendants with these beauties.

This Petrified Wood is going to be cut into amazing drops for statement earrings.


This pink sapphire is the perfect example of a stone that just spoke to me, the color and the cut are so crisp and clean.  Not sure what I am going to do with this beauty yet.